The Impact Of Yahoo Boys On The National Economy.

 Diezani Alison-Madueke is the former minister if petroleum. While addressing the issues that emerge from fatherless homes stated clearly that it is a vicious cycle.  In the sense that an irreposible young man will becomean irresponsible father. 
You can Click here to access the video. Notwithstanding, here is a transcript of it:

"The ones that has swags. The yahoo yahoo boys as my son will say, are the role models  they are looking up to today. These are the ones who reinforce negative societal behaviors and values. This is a travesty of an unfolding tragedy for us.
Why have I spent the time talking on fatherless homes and the impact that it has on our children? Well, the truth of the matter, is that an irresponsible boy tends to become an irresponsible man, and it is therefore a vicious cycle. 
If you plant cocoyam, you cannot harvest plantain. It affects not only our homes and culture, our cultural and traditional values and structures, but it permeates the very strength of our regional economy as well. The consistent hard work and mental vigor needed to build  a solid regional economic  base in Niger Delta will become completely eroded. And once our strong economy base is eroded, we become as a group less significant in relation to our country's national output.
There are no short cuts to walking your way up to the ladder of life. Progressing in life, in work and in relationship ( either marital or otherwise),  is always dependant on consistent effort and on hard work. 

As we create more responsible young men, we will generate more responsible fathers which in turn will engender a more sustainable society and a greater nation nation of successful injaw men and women. 

And to do this, we need to go back to the fundamentals and create strong family bond"
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