See The CONFESSION And PHOTOS Of An "OGBANJE" (River goddess) Who Claimed To Be A Water Ambassador.

In ancient times, traditionalists and other fetish practices are kept away from social media or public eyes. This means, they are often done in the secret without no one seeing them. However, anyone who wishes to consult them will have to go through the bush to do so. On the contrary is the practice of today. Many of them are now using laptops, riding good cars, dressing in gorgeous attires and even getting married. While surfing through the internet, i came across a young woman who claimed to be a river goddess (also called "OGBANJE" ). Her name is " Adaeze Gift Okolie" . Few months ago, she came on social media to tell the world that she was once a Christian but she has denounced her faith due to her personal reasons. More so, she came up again and made some deep confession of her practices. According to her, what constitutes a source of income for spiritual people is not because they are Pastors or " Dibia " (that is traditionalist),...