Sometimes,  life can throw puzzles at us that are difficult to decode or decipher. It can come in the form of challenges in any or all of your tripartite nature (body, soul and spirit). At this time, you may not be able to grapple with the next step of action,  hence,  you must be well equip to know how to go about it.
Life in her entirety is a battle, challenges are your exams and your approach to them is what determines the outcomes.  Let me quickly say here that, one shouldn't assume that he is prepared against trying times until there is a deliberate work on the part of the recipient.  Living with assumption is playing without knowing. For instance,  you don't assume to be sound in mathematics  until you have been able to prove it in an exam. In the same vein, you don't assume to pass the exam until you are pretty sure that you have done enough underground work on it.
We live in a world where people live their lives to chance, especially among christian folks. They call it different things, to some it is:
I. Absolute dependence on God;
II. Being careful for nothing; 
III. Never to be worried about anything, and so on.
However,  what they have refused to realise is that any position one takes with a view to make God to be absolutely responsible for everything about our life is a GROSSLY IRRESPONSIBLE FAITH.
The idea i seek to promote here is the act of taking responsibility to learn, unlearn, relearn and do. 
It is paramount to have your quiver full of this timely truth so that you will not be found flat on the floor in the adventure of life!
Hence, in this article, i want to take you through two basic things to do when you are absolutely clueless of what to do next.
1.Put the object of offense aside: 
Just ismagine someone who just experienced a broken relationship, it will be very hurtful if such keeps admiring her ex. This is true because,  as more as he or she looks at the pictures,  the more the past is refreshed! So the ideal thing is to put away the object of offense.
The above assertion is base on three rational dispositions:
a. Out of sight can be out of life;
b. The less you think about an offense, the less  you become angry about it; 
c. When your anger dies, you can make sound or rational judgement.
Summarily, the idea is to make you lose grip with the anger or offense that are tied to such event(s).

2. Don't take any decision 
There are two scenarios that you should never take any important decision. They are:
a. Period of extreme happiness or jubilation.
b. Period of extreme provocations.
The above scenarios are predicated on the school of thought that ones mind is tilted towards an erroneous zone at such times. There are persons that made life changing decisions on any of the above scenarios,  hence,  they have to pay forbit dearly. I remember a story i was told of a couple. There were both happily married.  One day, an unexpected quarrel transpired between them. In the hit of the anger,  the wife took the bed from the room abd threw it in an open well that was filled with erosion.
Furthermore,  the man took hold of the HD television set in their sitting room and threw it on the ground!
Thereafter,  neighbors came to save tye situation and the quarrel was settled amicably afer some time. The big questions now are: where will they sleep for the night? And which television set will they watch?
I will drop my pen here today. The part two will come very soon! 
I hope this has been hopeful, please share and drop your comments below. They may be little, but they mean so much to me!


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