The Right Resolution to make for every relationship And Marriage to work

The outset of any relationship is a very exciting one, especially when he or she has all or most of the attributes that you are looking for. And these attributes vary from person to person due to individual taste. However, any and every relationship is heading for a crash if a singular point is not factored into the relationship or marriage. It is called "transition to phase two of your relationship and marriage". Therefore, if there's phase two, it also mean that there's phase one. Hence, what is phase one about? How do I know which phase I am? Please follow me as I define them appropriately. Moreso, the phase one of every love relationship is almost automatic. In other words, you don't need to really do anything for it to begin. This phase involves the likeness, strong emotional feelings, the joy, ecstacy, and other nice feelings that comes as a result of finding someone who you truly love. It is at this phase that you sincerely long to hold him/her...