The Right Resolution to make for every relationship And Marriage to work

The outset of any relationship is a very exciting one, especially when he or she has all or most of the attributes that you are looking for. And these attributes vary from person to person due to individual taste.
However, any and every relationship is heading for a crash if a singular point is not factored into the relationship or marriage. It is called "transition to phase two of your relationship and marriage".  Therefore, if there's phase two, it also mean that there's phase one. Hence, what is phase one about? How do I know which phase I am? Please follow me as I define them appropriately.
Moreso, the phase one of every love relationship is almost automatic. In other words, you don't need to really do anything for it to begin. This phase involves the likeness, strong emotional feelings, the joy, ecstacy, and other nice feelings that comes as a result of finding someone who you truly love. It is at this phase that you sincerely long to hold him/her all round the clock and not be tired.
Still in phase one, the tendency for both partners to always meet is very high. Everyday becomes a day to be much remembered. That is when you love feel on top of the world whenever the both of you are dressed on the same colour and/or pattern of dress. At this phase, you want to showcase her to your family members, friends, and so on.
Sadly enough, many couples and would-be  couples stop here and think all will be well. However, all will not be well if you don't pay attention to the salient point below. It is only when both spouse transit  to phase two that they can enjoy their union to the fullest.
Let me introduce this phase two by saying that when you are bringing someone into your life, you must realise that they have different perspectives, mindsets, beliefs, that are likely different from yours. In this case, you must seek to understand and manage them.
I heard a story where  toothpaste led to the separation of a week old marriage. It was told that both couple had different perspective as to how to get the toothpaste from the tube. One believed that one has to press it from the base while the other opined that it must be from the middle, hence, a minor misunderstanding started. It gravitated into a heated argument that both has no option than to go their separate ways.
The problem herefrom is that both of them never move to the second phase of their marriage. 
The second phase therefore is best captioned by the phrase: "taking responsibility for each other". You must make up your mind to cope with the unpleasant side of your spouse, and create a system on how to manage and maximally refine it or them into useful tools that will help the union.
As in the case of the story I just shared, the marriage wouldn't have ended if both were able to manage the situation. The major key words that one must embrace in this second phase are :TOLERANCE AND ADAPTABILITY. You must make up to love your spouse irrespective of what he or she does and you must promise yourself that you will forgive him or her in advance.
On a conclusive note, I want to plead with couples and would-be couples to take responsibility of each other in every wise.
I hope this piece was helpful, please share and drop your comments below.


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