Are you hurt by your past? If yes, this is what you MUST do.

Yesterday is in the tomb (that is, it cannot come back or be changed), today is in your hand (that is, you can still do something about it) while tomorrow is in the womb (that is, your current happenings can influence it).
Everyone has a past, either positive or negative. If it is a negative past, it can hinder your present living. Hence, making you recycle regrets, pains and sorrows. Most times,  we just wish we can turn back the hand of time and do the needful, but it can't be done. Persons who had a negative past have every tendency to be drawn to them seeing that they have gotten some level of enlightenment now.
But let me assure you that the best thing to do your past is to bury it and I will give your some proven steps in this article. If you don't bury your past and let it remain dead, soon your past will bury both your today and tomorrow. Life is a journey with a daily allocation of burdens. You need to free your backs each day  so as to be able to shoulder the responsibility of today. Thus, if you still live in your yesterday, you are simply bringing forward the loads of yesterday, hence, making your today to be overburdened. When this is the case, then, your progress today will be brought to a hault. 
The second thing you should to to yesterday is to draw inspiration from it rather than regrets. This may sound too imaginary, but it is possible. Your best reply to your yesterday is a superior and opposite version of results. If for instance, you did abortion in the past; your drive today is to make sure that nothing of such happens today and till death. This is a superior result! Have you noticed that most great people have a negative past. See the likes of Apostle Johnson suleman who smoked Indian hemp at a young age. Is it the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa, who was a sickler and was abandoned by the father, I can go on and on. They allowed their last mistakes to challenge them into making some kind of decisions that will only take death to cancel. 
By so doing, you are drawing strength from yesterday. There are lots of energy capsules in your negative past, it takes wisdom to draw the positive energy from it.
The third thing to do your yesterday is to make it a track record so as to mentor a generation. Nobody listens to a perfectionist because we are not perfect. The beautiful thing about Jesus (our savior) is that He was tempted as we are, yet without sin. Thus,  we are able to draw strength from it because we know He understands our frailty. Your aweful story of the past can become the template of your message. Do you know the problems that plague people? Many are dieing in silence having nobody to talk to. But when you come to them with your message, they can easily be at home with you. By so doing, you can mentor them by showing them how you overcame. This is where you misery becomes a ministry. This was exactly what happened to Apostle Paul in the Bible. He is an explicit example of a man who had a negative past but wasn't buried in it. 
Let me highlight the steps you should take to overcome your past.
1. Admit that it was really wrong.
2. Confess it to the Lord Jesus and surrender your life to him.
3. Start making intentional decisions today so as to correct your past.
4. Celebrate your today and thank God for every little progress you make.

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