Twenty five(25) Apps that are stealing Your Facebook Password and username

The rate with which hackers hack people's Facebook account is quite alarming. The way this is done is still a mystery to many.

Moreso, the founder of Google has not relented in her effort to bring these menance to the bearest minimum. Month after months, there is a ban on some malicious apps. But in this article we will focus on the recent ban.

One acid test to prove that an app has been banned by Google is the unavailable of such app from Google play store. At that point in time, it is advisable to delete such apps as it is no longer safe or secure for use.

Furthermore, another 25 apps has been banned recently. These apps have malicious codes that waits to collect your personal information. This was the report given by Evina, the founder of French Cyber-security company)

According to him, these apps are often clustered with adverts of different kinds, in an attempt to steal your vital information. He asserted that once these apps are installed, it can open up windows that is of close resemblance to Facebook or any other social media apps. Once you fill in your details into such app, it will send them automatically to these hackers. He detected this operation by a careful evaluation of the source code of these apps.

Upon this discovery, these apps were quickly deleted from Google play store.

These apps are listed and shown below:

It is advisable to delete these apps from your phone. Moreso, share this post with your friends to save them from any impending danger.

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